Product Development

Unlock hidden value in your product development pipeline using LiveMicrobe™ technology.

75% of the most beneficial microbes discovered today are non-spore-forming microbes


Most beneficial microbes don't make the journey from discovery to commercialization.

The 10,000:1 dilemma: For thousands of microbes discovered, very few are brought to market.

Ag biological companies struggle with commercialization—especially for their non-spore-forming microbes because:

  • Traditional fermentation scaleup experiences contamination and genetic drift
  • Shelf stability at ambient temperature is difficult to maintain
  • Equipment costs are burdensome and industry capacity is constrained on key dates

And how much of your discovery research investment have you spent on microbes that haven’t been commercialized?

Right now, our industry self-selects spore-formers because of supply-chain considerations.

That means giving up on some of the most beneficial microbes. We’re changing that. Our system works for both.

3Bar Biologics Solutions

We translate your research efforts into commercially successful agricultural biological products, including non-spore-forming microbes.

And we can do it up to $1M cheaper and 1 year faster than your current R&D process.

Our LiveMicrobe™ technology activates the power of microbes through our Just-In-Time Activation process, which facilitates fermentation directly within the packaging, generating the stability and viability most microbes stuck in R&D require for commercialization.

Field testing samples can be provided in as little as three months.

The process

We help you unlock value from your R&D “balance sheet” and commercialize a viable, living microbial product in as little as 12 months.

And with 3Bar’s disruptive approach to biomanufacturing, you overcome the traditional barriers to microbe production, rapidly and cost-effectively commercialize microbes, and accelerate time to market with our modular production process—where stabilized dry microbe formulations are created in advance, and later packaged and assembled to fulfill on-demand needs.


  • Both spore-forming and non-spore-forming microbes
  • Both liquid and dry formulations
  • Biopesticides
  • Biostimulants
  • Biofertilizers

Additional product development services available:

Custom Packaging
Field Trial Support
Quality control of commercial products
Stability and viability reports

Let 3Bar evaluate your R&D library for commercial potential—free of charge.