(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – 3Bar Biologics® Inc. is collaborating with Rizobacter Argentina to test LiveMicrobe™ just-in-time fermentation technology. 3Bar’s, Bio-YIELD®, a biostimulant which improves phosphorous uptake in crops.
Rizobacter, a subsidiary of Bioceres Crop Solutions, is testing Bio-Yield on soybeans in lab and field trials in four locations around Argentina throughout the 2021 – 2022 planting season.
“We are committed to keep abreast of microbial delivery technologies. 3Bar Biologics innovation could be of aid for those new-to-market microbes that have not yet hit the standards for proper long microbial on-package survival, as we have accurately achieved with other microbes. We learn from every collaboration experience and this exploration can lead to out-of-the-box projects.”, said Pedro Mac Mullen, Rizobacter CMO.
“We’re excited to be working with Rizobacter, who are clear leaders globally in the biologics space and have a real focus on leading edge technologies that can elevate the performance of live microbials for agriculture.”, said Bruce Caldwell, 3Bar Biologics CEO.
LiveMicrobe just-in-time fermentation guarantees the freshest, most abundant microbes all translating to higher ROI for growers. Once a formulation is locked in, 3Bar can cost effectively produce a partner’s product in its 2-chamber package for sale to the farmer.
3Bar Biologics is eager to partner with innovative, like-minded companies that are focused on providing biological and sustainable solutions for growers. Agricultural input companies are starting to leverage the expertise of the 3Bar team to provide the most viable, highest quality microbial products to their customers. More information about this type of working relationship is available at 3BarBiologics.com.
3Bar Biologics is the global leader in customized delivery technologies for living microbe products. Delivering on their promise of stable, viable, fresh and pure microbe products for commercial agriculture, 3Bar partners with innovative companies to formulate the highest quality and most cost-effective microbe solutions. For more information, visit https://www.3barbiologics.com/.
Rizobacter has been in the field since 1977 and it reaches farmers with proprietary formulations of biologicals in more than 40 countries. Rizobacter is committed to deliver cutting-edge technologies to increase yield potential through agronomically sustainable management practices. For more information, click here.